FCJ Sisters
Faithful Companion of Jesus FCJ
FDCC Sisters
Canossian Daughters of Charity FDCC
FMM Sisters
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary FMM
FSAG Sisters
Franciscan Sisters of St. Aloysius Gonzaga FSAG
FSC Brothers
Brothers of the Christian Schools FSC
IJ Sister
Infant Jesus Sisters IJ
ISR Sisters
Institute of the Sisters of Reparation ISR
LWST Sisters
Little Way Sisters of St. Theresa LWST
MF Fathers
Missionaries of Faith Fathers MF
SMF Sisters
Missionary Sisters of Faith (SMF)
MS Fathers
Missionaries of La Salette Fathers MS
SNDS Sisters
The Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of La Salette (SNDS)
MSP Fathers
Missionaries of St. Paul Fathers and Brothers MSP
MSP Sisters
Missionaries of St. Paul Sisters MSP
NSC Sisters
Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation NSC
OFM Fathers
Order of Friars Minor OFM
OP Fathers
Order of Preachers OP
OP Sister
Religious Missionaries of St. Dominic (OP)
OSM Fathers
The Order of Friar Servants of Mary OSM
OSM Sisters
Mother of Sorrows, Servants of Mary OSM
PIME Fathers
Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions PIME
RGS Sisters
Our Lady of Charity of Good Shepherd RGS
RNDM Sisters
Sisters of Our Lady of Missions RNDM
SCCG Sisters
Sisters of Charity of Sts. Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa SCCG
SCV Sisters
Sisters of Charity of St. Vincnet de Paul of Suwon (SCV)
SDB Fathers
Salesians of Don Bosco SDB
FMA Sisters
Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christian (FMA)
SdP Sisters
Sisters of Providence SdP
SFX Brothers
Little Brothers of St. Francis Xavier SFX
SFX Sisters
Sisters of St. Francis Xavier SFX
SJ Fathers
Society of Jesus (Jesuits) SJ
SJA Sisters
Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition (SJA)
SPS Sisters
Sisters of Most Precious Blood SPS
SSC Fathers
Missionary of Society of St. Columban (SSC)
MSSC Sisters
Missionaries Sisters of St. Columban MSSC
SV Sisters
Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul of Palermo (SV)
ZSLF Sisters
Zetaman Sisters of the Little Flower ZSLF
Claretian Missionaries Father CMF
SPC Sisters
Sisters of St. Paul De Chartres SPC
SBKM Sisters
Sisters of The Blessed Korean Martyrs (SBKM)
Missionary Sisters of St. John Paul II (MSJP II)
The Society of the Divine Word SVD
Maryknoll Missionaries MM
Order of the Discalced Augustians OAD
Brothers of St. Gabriel GSG
Order of Discalced Carmelities ODC
Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (HSHJ)
Missionary Servants of the Blessed Sacrament (MSBS)
Institute of Kkottongnae Sisters of Jesus (IKSJ)
Congregation of Jesus (CJ)
Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary of Mirinae (SCM)
Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians (MSMHC)
Sisters of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (HSHJ)
The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (CSsR) "????????????????? ??????????? ???????????"