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Vatican Vatican News FABC UCA News CBCM CRCM NCMS Yangon Archdiocese Pathein Diocese Mawlamying Diocese Pyay Diocese Mandalay Archdiocese Hakha Diocese Lashio Diocese Banmaw Diocese Kalay Diocese Myitkyina Diocese Taungyi Archdiocese Phakon Diocese Loikaw Diocese Taungngu Diocese Kengtung Diocese
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Our Lady of Charity of Good Shepherd RGS

Responsding to COVID-19 Pandemic!

Responsding to COVID-19 Pandemic!

Good Shepherd Sisters from Mohnyin distributed food items such as  rice, cooking oil and noddle  to 25 families on 19 May, 2020.

မိုးညႇင္းၿမိဳ့ရွိ ေကာင္း‌ေသာသိုးထိန္းသီလရွင္မ်ားမွ ကိုရိုနာဗိုင္းရပ္ေၾကာင့္ အခက္အခဲၾကဳံေနေသာမိသားစု ၂၅ အိမ္အား ဆန္၊ ဆီႏွင့္‌ ေခါက္ဆြဲထုတ္မ်ားကို တတတ္တအား ေဝမၽွခဲ့ပါသည္.......

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