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2021-01-15 08:42:37

#16 January 2021 Daily Reflection

#ဧဝံဂေလိကျမ်း/ ရှင်မာကု ၂း ၁၃-၁၇

#Fr. Kurt Zion V.Pala (SSC)

Posted by M.Sulatthtwe

We have heard during the week from the gospel of Mark the beginnings of Jesus Galilean ministry. Healing was an important part of that ministry. And before began healing people, he first started calling people to be part of his mission, to be part of his ministry.

In the first chapter of the gospel of Mark, Jesus called people but not kings or popular people but ordinary men to carry out an extraordinary mission with him. He called fishermen to follow him and said from now on you will be fishers of men. In our gospel today, God calls Levi, a local tax-collector. In all three Synoptic gospels, Levi or Matthew in the gospel of Matthew was sitting at the customs post where he collects money from the people. Jesus passed by him and called him out to come and follow him.
Can you remember what you were doing when God called you to join a congregation?
Can you remember what you were when God called you?

After the call of his first disciples, Jesus began his healing ministry. Here I believe that when God calls us, God also heals us. Levi was like a leper to many people during his time. Levi and tax collectors were mistrusted and disliked by many. They were regarded as enemies and traitors for working with the oppressors. They were considered outcasts and even disgraced in their own families. When the Pharisees saw Jesus called Levi and even ate with him at his house, they asked Jesus disciples, “Why does he eat with tax
collectors and sinners?” Jesus replied, “Those who well do not need a physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”

Healing can be either physical or spiritual and they are both related to each other. Jesus heals those he encountered physically and spiritually. One aspect of the healing ministry of Jesus is that he brings the “outcast” back into human society through his healing word and touch. Jesus not only touches the outcasts but welcomes them back into the community, into God’s own family.

What do you want to be healed from? Speak to Jesus. Ask him to heal you like the leper who called out to Jesus in the gospel, “If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.”

#Fr. Kurt Zion V.Pala (SSC)

Daily Reflection